Saturday, September 13, 2008

When all the desires disappear…

Enlightenment Is neither mine nor yours. The closer you come to me, the more available you become to me, the more you will find there is only enlightenment; there I s only light,eternal. It does not belong to me, it does not belong to anybody else.
Right now, it seems to you that it belongs to your mater. But when you merge with the master, you will know there has never been any mater and there has never been any disciple, but only an eternal delight, an eternal life which knows no limitations.
It is in our ignorance that division exist—I and thou, the master and the disciple, the lover and the beloved. The moment you wake up, all these distinctions will evaporate. And it I good that the desire for you own enlightment I diapppearing. It I really you disappearing; hence, how can you carry on your desire for enlightenment? And it I not my presence—it is simply the presence. I havedisappeared a long, long time ago. And the ame experience I going to happen to you now. What you call my “presence” is really my absence and God’s preence. The moment you alo become absent, God’s presence becomes your presence.
We all livein the ame ocean—jut that a few are asleepand once in a while somebody becomes awake. One who becomes awake know it is one ocean. Those who remain asleepgo on thinking in their dreams, in their leep, of all kinds of separation, of all kind of desires and goals.
Awakening I uch a fire that it burns everything that is false, and only the pure gold remains.

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